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Tools for Deep Conversations
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Meet on Zoom for expertly curated practices
Find support through life's big transitions
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Going through a big change?

The Nearness is a program that helps small groups of people heal and build deep connections around life transitions – divorce, loss, mid-life, a diagnosis.

You’ll be matched into a small group and meet in a series of six Zoom calls. You’ll walk through powerful conversation starters, contemplative practices, and embodied exercises that have been curated by experts in psychology, spirituality, and connection.

Learn About Nearness Groups

What We Offer

Find a new support structure

An image of Julie, a middle-aged White woman with long red hair and bangs.

“The friends I have made have become lifelong soul-mates.”

Julie S.

Restore your faith in humanity

A portrait of Tiffany, a young Black woman with short hair.

“I LOVED my circle. It gave me hope for humanity.”

Tiffany D.

Feel more grounded

A portrait of Leah, a young White woman with brown hair in a ponytail and a baseball cap.

“It’s been so healing and a haven for the current world. I never want it to end.”

Leah H.

Find comfort

A portrait of Zi, a smiling person with glasses.

“The Nearness is like chicken soup on a rainy day.”

Zi z.

Be recognized in your authentic self

A portrait of Malene, a middle-aged woman wearing a headscarf.

“The care everyone shows for one another is so beautiful… The level of connection and feeling recognized has just blown me away.”

Malene S.

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How it Works

Sometimes deep, meaningful conversations need a little bit of support.

We’ve created a set of tools and practices to help people connect more deeply with themselves and one another. Each 6-week program takes a small group through a series of powerful conversations with just enough structure to make space for connection to bloom.

Each week, a written discussion and activity guide is sent to the group. Participants take turns leading the group, keeping time so that everyone has time to speak and contribute.

A tailored group with whom you can be your authentic self

A structured curriculum for co-creating a support structure

Expert guidance along the way

8-week courses in spirituality for all
World-class teachers from diverse traditions
90-minute conversations in supportive small groups
Learn About Our Courses